A3FW-US_A3.2.0 / A3FW-TXR_A3.2.0 (30.12.2024)
Release notes
- A3FW-US_A3.2.0 requires A3FW-TXR >= A3.2.0
- When upgrading from A3.1.x, both US and TXR should be loaded and upgraded together. Since the A3FW-US_A3.1.x does not support native iOS/android App, the first upgrade from 3.1.x to 3.2.0 must be done using webApp over USB (see below). Starting from A3FW-US_A3.2.0, the firmware upgrade is possible by both, the webApp (USB) and also newly directly by the native App over-the-air (BLE).
- A3FW-US_A3.2.0 implements new BLE communication protocol and allows to connect to the native iOS/android App (A3.2.0)
- Universal webApp (A3.1.6) remains fully functional and its version A3.1.6 is compatible with the new BLE communication protocol
- FCC certified frequency channels
- Various bug fixes, stability improvements, and memory optimization
Firmware installation instructions
AndiScan A3 has two main processing units – Main Board User Shell (US) and Transceiver board (TXR). Firmware (FW) for each of them is updated separately. The firmware file for US and TXR are named A2FW-US_A3.x.y and A2FW-TXR_A3.x.y respectively.
Version numbers of A2FW-US and A2FW-TXR do not need to be the same. The release compatibility notes will always declare which versions are mutually compatible. All following options are generally possible (on condition of mutual compatibility of the versions). (1) Upgrading only A3FW-US, (2) upgrading only A3FW-TXR, (3) upgrading both A3FW-US and A3FW-TXR at once. You can generally both upgrade or downgrade the firmware, provided that the chosen versions (US/TXR) are mutually compatible and also compatible with your device HW.
Upgrading AndiScan has two phases: (a) loading the new FW into the device, and (b) the actual upgrade performed automatically by the device on its start if the FW is found loaded. The FW loading is possible using native iOS/android App (over-the-air BLE), or by universal webApp (over USB, which is much faster).
Upgrading A3FW-US is technically much easier and takes only few seconds. Upgrading of core low-level TXR firmware A3FW-TXR is technically much more complex procedure and it takes several minutes. Each phase of the upgrade has its information progress screen. Please, make sure that the device has a sufficiently charged battery. Powering off the device (e.g. due to a discharged battery) during the update process might have unpredictable consequences.
Update procedure steps using native iOS/android App (over-the-air BLE)
- Check the current firmware US/TXR versions of your AndiScan A3 device (C9 configuration screen) and decide whether the update is needed.
- Connect the App (BLE) to the AndiScan
- Go to the System/Info tab in the App
- Press “FW Check” in the App
- Select the version that should be loaded
- Press “Load FW-US” and/or “Load FW-TXR”
- Observe progress percentage indicator and do not interrupt the transfer. BLE is relatively slow and the transfer takes several minutes.
- (!) Make sure that USB-C connector is plugged out of AndiScan (if it was connected before, eg. for charging) .. this is important since USB-serial connected might interfere with the upgrade process
- Restart AndiScan and observe upgrade messages (US upgrade is fast, TXR takes about 4 mins)
Update procedure steps using webApp (USB)
- Check the current firmware US/TXR versions of your AndiScan A3 device (C9 configuration screen) and decide whether the update is needed.
- Switch AndiScan off
- Prepare computer with web browser opening https://www.sqi-andix.com/RemShApp/A3RemSh.html
- Connect USB cable first into the computer (!)
- With AndiScan still off
- press and keep pressed [Back] button .. to enable USB on AndiScan
- plug in USB-C cable into AndiScan .. it will automatically switch on AndiScan
- release [Back] button when welcome screen appears
- Note: Step (5) is a universal workaround that allows AndiScan to be correctly recognized on USB port on any connected computer. Some, namely Apple notebooks with USB-C ports, might otherwise have a problem of establishing the connection. On desktop computers, the USB connection is usually more robust and the cable can be inserted to AndiScan any time (provided that it is switched to USB mode by keeping [Back] pressed during its startup).
- On web page: press “Connect” in USB Remote Shell section
- Check that USB icon on AndiScan lights-on
- Press “FW Check” on webApp
- Select the version that should be loaded
- Press “Load US” and/or “Load TXR”
- Check whether the transfer was performed in webApp/Terminal tab
- (!) plug out USB-C connector of AndiScan .. this is important since keeping USB-serial connected might interfere with the upgrade process
- Restart AndiScan and observe upgrade messages (US upgrade is fast, TXR takes about 4 mins)
See also video guide at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TShEa_WQYuY&t=2s
Previous versions – release notes
- A3FW-US_A3.1.1 / A3FW-TXR_A3.1.0 (31.8.2024)
- Initial production version